Peerless accuracy (or not) ========================== * W. Sara I presume "Old Dr. Jim" McGarry knew better than to prescribe his nux vomica according to the apothecary measures in Table 1 of the article by Ronald McGarry and Pamela McGarry.1 Even given the disclaimer that "values are approximate," the equation 1 minim = 65 mL misses the mark by a factor of 975 (approximately). As the name might suggest, a minim was the smallest unit of liquid measure and was commonly considered to be about one drop. Peer review indeed. Our peers should have peered more diligently! ## Reference 1. 1. McGarry RC, McGarry P. Please pass the strychnine: the art of Victorian pharmacy. CMAJ 1999;161(12):1556-8. [FREE Full Text](