Stand by your man ================= * Steven Whurry The Board of Directors at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute voted unanimously in January to reject the resignation of its head, cardiac surgeon Wilbert Keon. Keon tendered his resignation Dec. 15 after it became known that he had been caught in a prostitution sting in late November and had attended "john school" in exchange for the dropping of all charges. Students attending john school are taught the dangers associated with prostitution. FIGURE ![Figure1]( [Figure1]( Figure. Keon: humbling experience In making the announcement Jan. 14, Chair Gordon Ritchie said "we are not a board of moral censors. Our job is to look at the best interests of the heart institute." Ritchie and the other board members received a lot of help in making their decision: the institute received more than 14 000 letters and calls from supporters who urged Keon to reconsider his resignation. Keon was overwhelmed by the support. Although he was pleased to resume his role as director general, he said he will be seeking ways to reduce the pressure and workload that his busy schedule creates; in addition to his work at the institute, he sits in the Canadian Senate. "The fact that I have been given a second chance is truly humbling," he said. "Although I am returning as director general, I intend to reduce the pressure I have imposed on myself in the past."