Revisiting 9/11 =============== * Doug Alton In his response1 to *CMAJ*'s report on the Peace Through Health conference held at McMaster University,2 Jeff Kolbasnik applauds the US response to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on its territory and calls the constructive suggestions and conclusions emerging from the conference ludicrous, bizarre and laughable. But where do we go from here? Osama bin Laden remains unaccounted for and al-Qaeda remains a force outside Afghanistan, so what has really been accomplished so far? That the Afghan people appear to have been taken from the grip of the Taliban appears positive, but at what price? Perhaps the US military actions, which include Afghan civilian deaths in excess of those from the 9/11 catastrophes, have created alienation and fuelled resentment sufficient for the recruitment of more new terrorists than have been put out of action. The US is already warning of more terrorist attacks. Surely the exploration of alternatives to military strikes, such as negotiations and police actions involving many nations acting through the UN, is appropriate. Is not protection of citizens more likely to be effective in a state that chooses rule by international law over rule by force? We need, as Kolbasnik concludes, “real understanding and learned discussion of the issues at hand.” Wasn't this what the McMaster conference was about? **Doug Alton** Diagnostic Radiologist Mississauga, Ont. ## References 1. 1. Kolbasnik J. Conclusions from McMaster's peace conference “ludicrous and bizarre” [letter]. CMAJ 2002;166(7):883. [FREE Full Text]( 2. 2. Sibbald B. Attacks on US a crime, not act of war, conference concludes. CMAJ 2002;166(1):78. [FREE Full Text](