Books received ============== Bates DV, Caton RB. **A citizen's guide to air pollution**. 2nd ed. Vancouver: David Suzuki Foundation; 2002. pp. 452 $25 ISBN 0-9689731-2-4 Barry NN, Dillingham MF, McGuire JL. **Nonsurgical sports medicine: preparticipation exam through rehabilitation**. Baltimore & London: The Johns Hopkins University Press; 2002. pp. 336 $US28.50 ISBN 0-8018-6896-3 Lee S, Turner M, Lee G. **Brainchip for biochemistry**. Malden (MA): Blackwell; 2002 pp. 288 US$14.95 ISBN 0-632-04636-8 Marks R, Lévêque J-L, Voegeli R. **The essential stratum corneum**. London: Martin Dunitz; 2002. pp. 391 US$52.95 ISBN 1-84184-172-2 McMurray JJV, Kendall MJ. **Beta-blockers in heart failure**. London: Martin Dunitz; 2002. Pp. 108 US$14.95 ISBN 1-85317-902-7Melmed S. The pituitary. 2nd ed. Malden (MA): Blackwell; 2002. pp 747 US$195 ISBN 0-632-04357-1 Moffat Leslie EF. **Urological cancer: a practical guide to management**. London: Martin Dunitz; 2002. pp. 222 US$99 ISBN 1-84184-190-0 Ring-Cassidy E, Gentles I. **Women's health after abortion: The medical and psychological evidence**. Toronto: The deVeber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research; 2002. pp. 333 $24.95 ISBN 0-920453-22-8 Thomas DFM, Rickwood AMK, Duffy PG. **Essentials of paediatric urology**. London: Martin Dunitz; 2002. pp. 256 US$115 ISBN 1-90186-525-8 Waine C. **Obesity and weight management in primary care**. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing; 2002. pp. 118 US$29.95 ISBN 0-632-06514-1