Debating gun registration ========================= * David Wildeboer Contrary to the views expressed in *CMAJ*'s editorial,1 in my opinion the Canadian gun registry is a thinly disguised tax grab, created under the guise of “doing something” about gun control in response to media and public pressure (mainly from central and eastern Canada). In fact, what is being targeted is responsible gun ownership, not criminal use. In response to the question that many of those reading this letter will have, no, I do not now nor have I ever owned a gun. I'm just upset that many people are buying into the myth of gun registry without looking deeper. It's not backed by good science and we, as physicians, should be more discerning. **David Wildeboer** Rural Family Physician Fort Macleod, Alta. ## Reference 1. 1. Reasonable control: gun registration in Canada [editorial]. CMAJ 2003;168(4):389. [FREE Full Text](