Responsibility in advertising ============================= * Erika Mann I was very concerned by the pictorial content of an advertisement for Marvelon (desogestrel-ethinyl estradiol) in a recent issue of *CMAJ.*1 The ad presents 2 images of the back seat of a car, the second with a child's car seat in place. The car seat appears identical to a model that is designed for rear-facing positioning only. In the ad, the seat is facing forward. This picture evoked a sickening feeling, because of the thought of what might happen to a child in this seat if the car were involved in a collision. I have seen the results of such events, and they can be devastating. I believe that, given all of the community and manufacturer education that is available about proper installation of car seats, advertisers should also be responsible in their depiction of these restraint devices. The ad itself does not contain many words (and it relates to another subject altogether), but the picture is misleading. I am concerned that a parent might inadvertently, or purposely, install a car seat such as the one depicted in the incorrect manner shown in the ad. We all know that the proper use and installation of child restraints can reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with motor vehicle collisions.2 I urge both advertisers and *CMAJ* to promote and adhere to advertising excellence in a socially responsible manner. As physicians, we owe a duty of care to all who might see ads such as this one while reading *CMAJ*. **Erika Mann** Resident, Diagnostic Imaging The Hospital for Sick Children Toronto, Ont. ## References 1. 1. “Oh baby!” advertisement for Marvelon (desogestrel-ethinyl estradiol). CMAJ 2002;167(2): 114. 2. 2. Howard AW. Automobile restraints for children: a review for clinicians. CMAJ 2002;167(7): 769-73. [Abstract/FREE Full Text](