Tintin in CMAJ ============== * David Neveu * © 2005 CMA Media Inc. or its licensors The concept of using the adventures of Tintin1 and other cartoon or comic book characters as medical case studies is a creative way to popularize medicine. It is amusing to see how Antoine Cyr and associates1 have translated Tintin's adventures to the real world by collecting empiric data from the Tintin album collection. Involving children in such a scientific study is also great. I read my Tintin albums differently since coming across this article! ## Reference 1. 1. Cyr A, Cyr LO, Cyr C. Acquired growth hormone deficiency and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in a subject with repeated head trauma, or Tintin goes to the neurologist. CMAJ 2004;171(12):1433-4. [FREE Full Text](http://www.cmaj.ca/lookup/ijlink/YTozOntzOjQ6InBhdGgiO3M6MTQ6Ii9sb29rdXAvaWpsaW5rIjtzOjU6InF1ZXJ5IjthOjQ6e3M6ODoibGlua1R5cGUiO3M6NDoiRlVMTCI7czoxMToiam91cm5hbENvZGUiO3M6NDoiY21haiI7czo1OiJyZXNpZCI7czoxMToiMTcxLzEyLzE0MzMiO3M6NDoiYXRvbSI7czoyNDoiL2NtYWovMTcyLzEzLzE2NjguMi5hdG9tIjt9czo4OiJmcmFnbWVudCI7czowOiIiO30=)