Training Canada's future clinician–teachers and researchers ============================================================= * Andrew J. Perrin * © 2006 CMA Media Inc. or its licensors Although Mark Baerlocher's review of data from the 2004 CFPC/CMA/RCPSC National Physician Survey1 suggests that medical students have a greater desire to engage in teaching or research than physicians currently in practice, it fails to address the key issue revealed by the data: a noticeable disparity between student intention and physician action. Do current students have a genuine commitment to teaching and research or are they simply being optimistic about their future career? In the survey, residents in family medicine programs were not asked whether research training was included in their residency program, let alone whether they perceived such training to be necessary. Residents in specialty programs fared somewhat better: they were asked to evaluate the necessity and quality of their research training. However, none of the residents were asked about the pedagogical content of their programs. If we wish students to retain an interest in teaching and research we must foster it early in their training programs.2 Knowing the current status of pedagogy and research training in residency is the first step to ensuring a future supply of clinician–teachers and scientists. ## REFERENCES 1. 1. Baerlocher MO. Canada's future physicians: clinicians, researchers or teachers? CMAJ 2006;174(11):1549. [FREE Full Text]( 2. 2. Pillai D. Quelling research excellence in residency programs [letter]. CMAJ 2002;167(3):236. [FREE Full Text](