Quartet of remembrance ====================== * Ian Scott > Look at the wrinkling fruit on the counter in the basket. > > I wonder if I should pick it up. > > I think I remember when it looked appetizing. > > Maybe it will get eaten. > I see you running in the school ground. > > When did you get so tall my love? > > It feels like I have forgotten when you grew. > > I don’t want you to leave. > Our old apartment seemed so small. > > When did we bring all this into our house? > > I can’t seem to throw these things away. > > Perhaps when we move. > Look at the peeling paint on the steps. > > I wonder if we should repaint them. > > I think we should choose a different colour. > > Maybe we should do this next year. ![Figure1](http://www.cmaj.ca/https://www.cmaj.ca/content/cmaj/184/1/E97/F1.medium.gif) [Figure1](http://www.cmaj.ca/content/184/1/E97/F1) Image courtesy of © 2012 Thinkstock ## Footnotes * “Quartet of Remembrance” received an honourable mention in the 2011 *ARS Medica* and *CMAJ* Humanities Poetry and Prose contest, announced at the 2011 Canadian Conference on Medical Education.