CMA Board of Directors responds =============================== * Brian Brodie The CMA Board of Directors is very pleased that the members of the *CMAJ* Editorial Advisory Board continue to work toward helping secure a sound future for *CMAJ*.1 Its involvement in the work of the CMA Task Force on *CMAJ* has been most welcome and will continue to be an integral part of this continuing process. The CMA board has the utmost confidence and respect for the work of the task force, which is being led by Dr. Chris Simpson, past president. Work is underway on the comprehensive consultation exercise that will begin soon. This consultation will identify best practices and result in recommendations on a new mission statement, goals and objectives for *CMAJ*. Based on this process, the CMA will build a strong foundation, identifying the strategy and direction required for CMA publications. Regardless of the advances and changes that are proposed, *CMAJ*’s editorial independence will remain sacrosanct. On behalf of the CMA board, I commend and thank the members of *CMAJ*’s Editorial Advisory Board for their continuing commitment to Canada’s premier peer-reviewed medical journal. Their knowledge and expertise are invaluable to the work underway to strengthen *CMAJ* for the future. ## Reference 1. CMAJ Editorial Advisory Board. A letter from *CMAJ*’s Editorial Advisory Board [letter]. CMAJ 2016;188:754. [FREE Full Text](