An emerging multidrug-resistant bacteria ======================================== * Jennie Johnstone * Samir N. Patel ## Carbapenemase-producing *Enterobacteriaceae* (CPE) are emerging multidrug-resistant bacteria Carbapenemase-producing *Enterobacteriaceae* (CPE) are gram-negative bacteria (e.g., *Escherichia coli, Klebsiella* sp.) that are resistant to most antibiotics, including meropenem, the most broad spectrum antibiotic.1 Incidence of CPE in Canada is increasing: from five cases in 2008 to 779 in 2016 (Dr. Michael Mulvey, National Microbiology Laboratory, Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health, Winnipeg, Man.; personal communication, 2017), and outbreaks in hospitals have been reported.2 In 2017, the World Health Organization named CPE priority 1 pathogens.3 ## CPE is most commonly acquired in hospitals and long-term care facilities Carbapenemase resistance is usually encoded by plasmids that can move between bacteria.1 Carbapenemase-producing *Enterobacteriaceae* reside in the gastrointestinal tract and are endemic in hospitals and long-term care facilities in many countries, including the United States.1 Patient-to-patient transmission occurs by contaminated hands of health care providers or contaminated shared patient equipment.2 ## CPE infection has similar clinical manifestations to those of other gram-negative bacteria Infection caused by CPE will present with symptoms and signs typical of other gram-negative infections (e.g., urinary tract infection, sepsis).1 Colonization of CPE has no symptoms. In Canada, CPE are reliably identified from routine bacterial cultures or screening specimens (e.g., rectal swabs). ## There are limited treatment options for CPE Colonization does not require treatment.2 Antibiotic treatment options for CPE infection are limited at present and for the foreseeable future; last-line antibiotics (e.g., colistin) may be required.2 Mortality from bacteremia caused by CPE ranges from 25% to 50%;4 expert consultation should be sought for all CPE infections. ## Preventing the spread of CPE requires multiple measures Measures to prevent spread include requiring screening at-risk patients upon admission to hospital, providing care with gowns and gloves in a private room, meticulous hand hygiene, routine cleaning and disinfection of shared patient equipment, effective hospital cleaning and optimal antibiotic prescribing by physicians. 2,5 Alberta and British Columbia have made CPE a reportable disease, which may facilitate surveillance and timely interventions. ## Footnotes * * **PIDAC-IPC:** Chingiz Amirov, Anne Bialachowski, Sandra Callery, William Ciccotelli, Maureen Cividino, Judy Dennis, Gary Garber, Susy Hota, Kevin Katz, Allison McGeer, Matthew Muller, Vydia Nankoosingh, Catherine Richard, Herveen Sachdeva, Mary Vearncombe * *CMAJ* Podcasts: author interview at []( * **Competing interests:** None declared. * This article has been peer reviewed. ## References 1. Nordmann P, Naas T, Poirel L. Global spread of carbapenemase producing *Enterobacteriaceae*. Emerg Infect Dis 2011;17:1791–8. [CrossRef]( [PubMed]( 2. Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion, Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee. Annex A: screening, testing and surveillance for antibiotic-resistant organisms (AROs) — in all health care settings [annex to routine practices and additional precautions in all health care settings, 3rd ed.]. Toronto: Public Health Ontario; 2013. Available: [\_Annex\_A\_Screening\_Testing\_Surveillance\_AROs\_2013.pdf](\_Annex\_A\_Screening\_Testing_Surveillance_AROs_2013.pdf) (accessed 2017 Jan. 27). 3. Global priority list of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to guide research, discovery, and development of new antibiotics. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017. Available: [\_Summary\_25Feb-ET\_NM\_WHO.pdf?ua=1](\_Summary_25Feb-ET_NM_WHO.pdf?ua=1) (accessed 2017 Mar. 10). 4. Falagas ME, Tansarli GS, Karageorgopoulos DE, et al. Deaths attributable to carbapenem-resistant *Enterobacteriaceae* infections. Emerg Infect Dis 2014;20:1170–5. [CrossRef]( [PubMed]( 5. Guidance: infection prevention and control measures for healthcare workers in all healthcare settings: carbapenem-resistant gram-negative bacilli. Ottawa: Public Health Agency of Canada; 2010. Available: []( (accessed 2017 Mar. 14).