Correction to “Working in a bubble: How can businesses reopen while limiting the risk of COVID-19 outbreaks?” ================================================================================================================= *CMAJ* has been made aware of an error that occurred in the Nov. 2, 2020, issue.1,2 In the author byline, John Brownstein’s name had an incorrect middle initial; it should have read John S. Brownstein. This has been corrected at []( ## References 1. Shaw J, Day T, Malik N, et al. Working in a bubble: How can businesses reopen while limiting the risk of COVID-19 outbreaks? CMAJ 2020;192: E1362–6. [FREE Full Text]( 2. Shaw J, Day T, Malik N, et al. Les bulles de travail: Comment les entreprises peuvent-elles rouvrir en réduisant le risque d’éclosions de la COVID-19? CMAJ 2020;192: E1362–6. [FREE Full Text](