RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Prevention of congenital rubella JF Canadian Medical Association Journal JO CMAJ FD Canadian Medical Association SP 151 OP 156 VO 117 IS 2 A1 Welch, J. P. YR 1977 UL http://www.cmaj.ca/content/117/2/151.abstract AB The vaccine of choice for rubella vaccination is considered to be RA 27/3, based on frequency of side effects, duration of immunity, antigenic potential and rate of reinfection by wild virus. The most appropriate individuals to be vaccinated are prepubertal schoolgirls and susceptible members of other high-risk groups, and a nationwide immunization program is suggested. Premarital determination of rubella-immune status should be mandatory for all women of childbearing age. A favourable cost/benefit ratio for rubella vaccination seems highly probable. The use of a rubella "fact sheet" to provide education and information for those at risk is strongly recommended.