RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Metastasis of cancer of the thyroid gland as a cause of goitre JF Canadian Medical Association Journal JO CMAJ FD Canadian Medical Association SP 1265 OP 1268 VO 118 IS 10 A1 Rosen, I. B. A1 Bedard, Y. C. A1 Walfish, P. G. A1 Bain, J. YR 1978 UL http://www.cmaj.ca/content/118/10/1265.abstract AB In three cases of cancer (arising in the pancreas, the breast and the lung) that had metastasized to the thyroid an unusual primary thyroid lesion was the presenting problem. While reputedly rare, metastases in the thyroid gland are not infrequently encountered at necropsy. These cases illustrate the varied causes of goitre, the value of needle aspiration and cytologic study in thyroid disease and the need for histologic vigilance. Worthwhile palliation by simple means can be obtained in such cases.