RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Breast-feeding promotion in Manitoba. Committee on Breast-feeding, Manitoba Pediatric Society JF Canadian Medical Association Journal JO CMAJ FD Canadian Medical Association SP 639 OP 642 VO 126 IS 6 YR 1982 UL http://www.cmaj.ca/content/126/6/639.abstract AB During the International Year of the Child the Manitoba Pediatric Society undertook professional and public education activities to promote breast-feeding in that province. The objective was a 100% increase in the proportion of mothers who breast-fed their infants for 2 months or longer. Surveys conducted before and after the campaign showed no significant increase in the rate of breast-feeding either at the time of hospital discharge or 2 months later. The infants of Winnipeg residents were more likely to be breast-fed than those of women living on Indian reservations or in any other part of the province (termed "rural"). The rate of bottle-feeding was significantly greater among infants of young unmarried mothers. Future programs to promote breast-feeding should be longer and more intensive, should be directed to the young, to rural residents and to Indian women, and should focus on social and emotional factors as well as nutrition and health benefits.