RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 The role of academic health sciences centres in international health JF Canadian Medical Association Journal JO CMAJ FD Canadian Medical Association SP 1546 OP 1549 VO 148 IS 9 A1 Neufeld, V. A1 Bergevin, Y. A1 Tugwell, P. YR 1993 UL http://www.cmaj.ca/content/148/9/1546.abstract AB For many years, Canadian academic health science centres have been active in international health. This brief review describes the activities of the Canadian Society for International Health, the Canadian University Consortium for Health in Development, and McGill, McMaster and Ottawa universities. Three principles are derived from these examples. Health must be placed in the broader context of development, and international health initiatives must be intersectoral. Canadian universities can make a distinctive and important contribution to health and development internationally, but this requires a clear commitment to scientific excellence and social responsibility. Finally, Canadian institutions, as representatives of the North, have much to learn through collaboration and partnerships with institutions in the South.