RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Manitoba targets patient overuse as it tackles abuse of health care system JF Canadian Medical Association Journal JO CMAJ FD Canadian Medical Association SP 1483 OP 1484 VO 152 IS 9 A1 Stewart, J. YR 1995 UL http://www.cmaj.ca/content/152/9/1483.abstract AB Manitoba has begun to respond to overuse of its health care system by forcing people who visit too many doctors or pharmacies to limit their use to one doctor and one drugstore. The province reviewed the records of patients who made more than 67 office visits in a year and/or saw more than 12 physicians annually. The heaviest user made 247 office visits to 71 different physicians in 1 year. The new restriction applies to about 28 patients. The move is expected to save the province $116,000.