RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Acknowledging the weather-health link JF Canadian Medical Association Journal JO CMAJ FD Canadian Medical Association SP 941 OP 944 VO 153 IS 7 A1 Bart, J. L. A1 Bourque, D. A. YR 1995 UL http://www.cmaj.ca/content/153/7/941.abstract AB The impact of weather on health is generally overlooked by physicians. Possible reasons for this include lack of training and insufficient awareness of the significant body of research on human biometeorology. The authors argue that, in the absence of clearly demonstrable causal connections, statistical associations between weather phenomena and health problems should be enough to influence clinical practice. Physicians in Germany make use of daily bulletins from the national weather service to advise patients on the management of common health problems that seem to be exacerbated by certain weather conditions. The authors urge Canadian doctors to follow the lead of their European colleagues by increasing their awareness of the relation between weather and health.