RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Recurrent hamburger thyrotoxicosis JF Canadian Medical Association Journal JO CMAJ FD Canadian Medical Association SP 415 OP 417 VO 169 IS 5 A1 Parmar, Malvinder S. A1 Sturge, Cecil YR 2003 UL http://www.cmaj.ca/content/169/5/415.abstract AB RECURRENT EPISODES OF SPONTANEOUSLY RESOLVING HYPERTHYROIDISM may be caused by release of preformed hormone from the thyroid gland after it has been damaged by inflammation (recurrent silent thyroiditis) or by exogenous administration of thyroid hormone, which might be intentional or surreptitious (thyrotoxicosis factitia). Community-wide outbreaks of “hamburger thyrotoxicosis” resulting from inadvertent consumption of beef contaminated with bovine thyroid gland have been previously reported. Here we describe a single patient who experienced recurrent episodes of this phenomenon over an 11-year period and present an approach to systematically evaluating patients with recurrent hyperthyroidism.