RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Dr. Max King: the sad life and early death of Mackenzie King's physician brother JF Canadian Medical Association Journal JO CMAJ FD Canadian Medical Association SP 1066 OP 1070 VO 158 IS 8 A1 Gray, C. YR 1998 UL http://www.cmaj.ca/content/158/8/1066.abstract AB While researching her best-selling biography, Mrs. King: The Life and Times of Isabel Mackenzie King, CMAJ contributing editor Charlotte Gray discovered a wealth of information about Dr. Dougal Macdougall (Max) King. Although he never became as famous as his older brother Mackenzie, Gray presents a convincing argument that Dr. Max King's life and early death speak volumes about medicine and the medical profession at the turn of the century. She also argues that Mackenzie King's own life would have been much different had his brother not died at the too young age of 42. Gray's book was nominated for the Viacom Award, which honours the best nonfiction book published annually in Canada.