Table 3:

Timeline for the development of the pan-Canadian genome core consent elements

Phase of process (type of meeting; participants)Dates
1. Literature search (updated throughout guideline development)June 2019–December 2021
2. Canada–UK Clinical Genomic Data Sharing for Research Workshop (in-person; CIHR-IG, British High Commission to Canada, UK Science and Innovation Network)November 2019
3. Consultation with Australian Genomics regarding its consent and integration of that consent into clinical care and research (virtual; CIHR)March 2020
4. Formal launch of the project (CIHR)June 2020
5. Establishment of the working group and first meeting (virtual; CIHR)August 2020
6. Establishment of the advisory group by the working groupAugust 2020
7. Alignment between Australian and Canadian approach (virtual; working group)August 2020
8. Collection of existing consent forms and analysis (working group)September–October 2020
9. Presentation of the Pan-Australian Consent to the writing group and discussion on lessons learned (virtual)September 2020
10. Development of the draft core consent elements (writing group)October–December 2020
11. Completion of the draft core consent elements (writing group)January 2021
12. Revision of the core consent elements (working group)February–March 2021
13. Canada–UK Genomic Data Sharing Workshop II (virtual; working and advisory groups)February 2021
14. Presentation at the “Engagement Session #5 on Clinical Trial Oversight and Implementation in the Context of COVID-19” hosted by Health Canada, and input integrated into the draft core consent elements (virtual; writing group members: D.O.B., E.R., H.L.)February 2021
15. Consultation at the CAREB annual meeting and input integrated into the draft core consent elements (virtual; writing group members: C.M., D.O.B., E.R., J.F.)May 2021
16. Dissemination of the draft core consent elements to the advisory group and integration of written feedback received (virtual; advisory and writing groups)May–June 2021
17. Public consultationJune 2021
18. Final consultation with the broader advisory group in which consensus was reached (virtual)June 2021
19. Final version confirmed by the writing group and preparation for publication of the end productDecember 2021
  • Note: CAREB = Canadian Association of Research Ethics Boards, CIHR = Canadian Institutes of Health Research, CIHR-IG = CIHR Institute of Genetics.