Table 1:

Examples of questions about physician health on medical licensure applications in Canada

Alignment with consensus-based guidanceJurisdictionQuestion
Aligned: questions are limited to current impairmentNewfoundland“Do you have a physical, cognitive, and/or mental health issue which may reasonably pose a risk of harm to patients?” (23)
Not aligned: questions include past impairment, or any illness in the absence of impairmentBritish Columbia“Have you ever had, or been advised by a health-care professional that you have had a physical, cognitive or mental health condition that, were it to recur, would be reasonable likely to negatively impact your medical practice in the future?” (24)
Ontario“Have you ever had any medical condition that has affected or could affect your ability to practise medicine?” (25)
Nunavut“Have you ever had, or have you ever been advised that you had, a physical, cognitive, mental and/or emotional condition which in any way may, should it reoccur, reasonably be expected to pose a risk of harm to patient or negatively impact your work as a physician?” (26)
Not aligned: questions distinguish between physical and mental healthQuebec“Do you have or have ever had a chronic mental health problem (e.g. schizophrenia, bipolar illness)?” (27)
“Do you have or have ever had an active mental health problem (e.g. depression) imposing a restriction or a limitation of professional activities?” (27)
“Do you have or have ever had a problem of dependence or substance abuse (including alcoholism)?” (27)
New BrunswickHave you ever been treated for alcohol or drug abuse? (28)
Yukon“Are you now abusing, dependent on, or addicted to alcohol or a drug?” (29)
“Are you being treated for abuse of, dependence on, or addiction to alcohol or a drug?” (29)
“Have you ever abused, been dependent on, or addicted to alcohol or a drug?” (29)
“Have you ever been treated for abuse of, dependence on, addiction to alcohol or a drug?” (29)