Table 1:

Participant characteristics

CharacteristicNo. (%) of participants*
n = 15
Age, yr, median (range)32 (27–67)
Age at time of first coming out as a TGD person, yr, median (range)24 (4–59)
Age when participants started their GAS journey, yr, median (range)27 (19–60)
Reported social identities
 Transgender8 (53)
 Transwoman13 (87)
 Transfeminine4 (27)
 Nonbinary3 (20)
 Woman1 (7)
Race or ethnicity
 White14 (93)
 Mixed1 (7)
Location of residence
 Rural4 (27)
 Suburban5 (33)
 Urban6 (40)
Other gender-affirming surgeries undergone
 Bilateral orchidectomy3 (20)
 Revision vaginoplasty2 (13)
 Tracheal shave1 (7)
 Rhinoplasty1 (7)
 Breast augmentation2 (13)
 Facial feminization1 (7)
 Forehead conturing2 (13)
 Voice feminization1 (7)
  • Note: GAS, gender-affirmation surgery, TGD = transgender and gender diverse.

  • * Unless indicated otherwise.

  • Social identity categories are not mutually exclusive; gender identity was self-identified based on predetermined categories.

  • Race and ethnicity were self-identified, without predetermined categories.