Table 1:

Characteristics of patients undergoing major elective surgery in Ontario, 1995–2009

CharacteristicNo. (%)p value*
1995–1997 3 years1998–2001 4 years2002–2005 4 years2006–2009 4 years
Type of surgeryn =136 453n = 162 113n = 133 268n = 120 838
 Abdominal85 272 (62.5)87 786 (54.2)43 767 (32.8)41 153 (34.0)< 0.001
 Cardiac20 247 (14.8)38 339 (23.6)46 448 (34.8)42 209 (34.9)< 0.001
 Retroperitoneal7 668 (5.6)7 703 (4.8)15 631 (11.7)9 195 (7.6)< 0.001
 Thoracic4 376 (3.2)8 307 (5.1)11 697 (8.8)13 493 (11.2)< 0.001
 Vascular18 890 (13.8)19 978 (12.3)15 725 (11.8)14 788 (12.2)< 0.001
Age, yr
 < 4534 180 (25.0)30 380 (18.7)18 921 (14.2)13 796 (11.4)< 0.001
 45–6448 385 (35.5)59 770 (36.9)50 915 (38.2)45 896 (38.0)
 ≥6553 888 (39.5)71 963 (44.4)63 432 (47.6)61 146 (50.6)
Female sex67 027 (49.1)65 373 (40.3)59 594 (44.7)50 350 (41.7)< 0.001
Charlson Comorbidity Index, score
 0107 929 (79.1)121 653 (75.0)98 674 (74.0)86 075 (71.2)< 0.005
 114 647 (10.7)20 026 (12.4)16 172 (12.1)12 560 (10.4)
 27 483 (5.5)11 009 (6.8)9 653 (7.2)11 691 (9.7)
 ≥36 394 (4.7)9 425 (5.8)8 769 (6.6)10 512 (8.7)
Comorbid medical conditions§
 Diabetes mellitus15 152 (11.1)22 272 (13.7)23 679 (17.8)25 877 (21.4)< 0.001
 Peripheral vascular disease2 025 (1.5)2 107 (1.3)1 309 (1.0)643 (0.5)< 0.001
 COPD24 113 (17.7)29 274 (18.1)26 081 (19.6)23 940 (19.8)< 0.001
 Hypertension39 468 (28.9)55 378 (34.2)54 891 (41.2)54 146 (44.8)< 0.001
 Coronary artery disease44 867 (32.9)65 379 (40.3)61 526 (46.2)53 343 (44.1)< 0.001
 Cerebrovascular disease1 654 (1.2)2 185 (1.3)1 761 (1.3)1 687 (1.4)< 0.001
 Chronic kidney disease2 737 (2.0)4 010 (2.5)5 215 (3.9)6 617 (5.5)< 0.001
 Liver dysfunction3 321 (2.4)4 003 (2.5)3 562 (2.5)3 864 (3.2)< 0.001
 Cancer40 337 (29.6)51 496 (31.8)48 561 (36.4)49 023 (40.6)< 0.001
 Congestive heart failure11 749 (8.6)16 207 (10.0)15 079 (11.3)13 825 (11.4)< 0.001
  • Note: COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

  • * Cochrane–Armitage test for trend.

  • Reported percentage of surgeries per year.

  • Scores were assigned using patient information from hospital records in the three years before surgery. Patients with no admissions to hospital during this period were assigned a value of zero.

  • § As defined by the presence of administrative diagnostic codes (see Appendix 1, available at