Table 2:

Adjusted hazard ratios for all-cause, cardiovascular-related and coronary artery disease–related mortality, by serum connecting peptide (C-peptide) level at baseline

C-peptide levelAll-cause mortalityCardiovascular-related mortalityCoronary artery disease–related mortality
Events, no. (%)Adjusted HR* (95% CI)Events, no. (%)Adjusted HR* (95% CI)Events, no. (%)Adjusted HR* (95% CI)
Increase per unit of C-peptide1.41 (1.27–1.57)1.70 (1.41–2.06)1.67 (1.27–2.19)
C-peptide quartile, nmol/L
 Quartile 1 (< 0.440)389 (26.4)1.00 (ref)146 (9.9)1.00 (ref)88 (6.0)1.00 (ref)
 Quartile 2 (0.440–0.692)484 (32.7)1.33 (1.08–1.63)210 (14.2)1.62 (1.13–2.33)114 (7.7)1.52 (0.98–2.36)
 Quartile 3 (0.693–1.018)533 (36.1)1.56 (1.23–1.98)244 (16.5)2.45 (1.71–3.51)142 (9.6)2.11 (1.27–3.50)
 Quartile 4 (> 1.018)614 (41.6)1.80 (1.33–2.43)295 (20.0)3.20 (2.07–4.93)171 (11.6)2.73 (1.55–4.82)
p value for trend< 0.001< 0.0010.07
  • Note: CI = confidence interval, HR = hazard ratio, ref = reference.

  • * Adjusted for age, sex, ethnic background, education, smoking status, alcohol consumption status, day on which the last meal or snack was consumed, history of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, heart attack and body mass index, as well as C-reactive protein, total cholesterol, triglyceride, serum insulin, glycated hemoglobin and fasting serum glucose levels.