Table 3:

Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments guidelines for neurostimulation (51)

TreatmentOverall recommendationAcute efficacy dataRelapse prevention dataSafety and tolerability data
Electroconvulsive therapyFirst-line therapy for major depressive episode with psychosis or suicidal ideation; second-line therapy for treatment-resistant populationsLevel 1*Level 1*Level 2
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulationSecond-line therapyLevel 1*Level 3Level 1*
Deep brain stimulationInvestigationalLevel 3Level 3Level 3
  • * Level 1 data: > 2 randomized controlled trials and/or meta-analysis with narrow confidence interval.

  • Level 2 data: > 1 randomized controlled trial and/or meta-analysis with wide confidence intervals.

  • Level 3 data: Nonrandomized, controlled prospective studies, case series or retrospective studies.