Table 1:

Definition of ideal cardiovascular health among Canadian adults* and youth

MetricIdeal cardiovascular health
AdultsNonsmoker or former daily or occasional smoker who quit more than 12 months ago
YouthNever tried smoking or never smoked a whole cigarette
AdultsBMI < 25
YouthAge- and sex-specific BMI cut-points (8); < 25 for youth aged 18–19 yr
Leisure physical activity
Adults≥ 1.5 kcal/kg/d (equivalent to ≥ 30 min of walking per d)
Youth≥ 3.0 kcal/kg/d (equivalent to ≥ 60 min of walking or 20 min of running or jogging per d)
Fruit and vegetable consumption
AdultsFruit and vegetables consumed ≥ 5 times per d
YouthFruit and vegetables consumed ≥ 5 times per d
AdultsSelf-reported hypertension diagnosed by a health care professional
AdultsSelf-reported diabetes diagnosed by a health care professional
  • Note: BMI = body mass index.

  • * Aged 20 years and older.

  • Aged 12–19 years.

  • People using the index in Asian populations (e.g., Chinese, South Asian) should consider using a BMI cut-off of < 23 for ideal body weight, as recommended by the World Health Organization. (9)