Table 1:

Maternal and pregnancy-related characteristics

CharacteristicNo. (%)*
NSAID exposureNo NSAID exposure
n = 60 962
Nonselective COX inhibitors
n = 4 424
COX-2 selective inhibitors
n = 71
Hypercoagulation disease1 (0.02)
p = 0.8
0 (0)
p = 0.9
17 (0.02)
In vitro fertilization100 (2.3)
p < 0.001
0 (0)
p = 0.3
847 (1.4)
Presence of an intrauterine device16 (0.4)
p = 0.2
0 (0)
p = 0.7
159 (0.3)
Tobacco use78 (1.8)
p = 0.04
0 (0)
p = 0.3
850 (1.4)
Inflammatory disease8 (0.2)
p = 0.06
2 (2.8)
p < 0.001
56 (0.1)
Hypothyroidism88 (2.0)
p = 0.02
1 (1.4)
p = 0.9
943 (1.5)
Obesity24 (0.5)
p = 0.6
0 (0)
p > 0.9
287 (0.47)
Mother’s age, yr, mean ± SD30.2 ± 5.8
p < 0.001
33.1 ± 5.8
p < 0.001
28.9 ± 5.8
Ethnic group
 Bedouin2 802 (63.3)43 (60.6)38 904 (63.8)
 Jewish1 622 (36.7)
p = 0.5
28 (39.4)
p = 0.6
22 058 (36.2)
  • Note: COX = cyclooxygenase, NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, SD = standard deviation.

  • * Unless otherwise indicated.

  • Each exposure group was compared with the unexposed group.

  • Determined from information in the administrative computerized databases.