Table 1:

Results of interventions to improve symptoms and function, from baseline to study completion

VariableGlare et al. (23)Del Fabbro et al. (24)Chasen et al. (25)Gagnon et al. (26)
General symptom burden
 Weight changeImprovedImprovedImprovedImproved
Quality of lifeImproved§NRImproved§Improved§
 General fatigueImproved§NRImproved§Improved§
Six-minute walk testImproved§Improved§Improved§
Patients assessed at 2-mo follow-up, %58NR5870
  • Note: ESAS = Edmonton Symptom Assessment System, NR = not reported.

  • * Measured by the modified ESAS, which ranges from 0 (symptom is absent) to 10 (worst possible symptom severity).

  • Measured by the modified ESAS, which ranges from 0 (excellent quality of life) to 10 (very bad quality of life).

  • Measured by the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory, whereby each fatigue dimension receives a score out of 20 with a higher score indicating greater fatigue.

  • § Effect size ≥ 0.35; p ≤ 0.01.

  • Stable weight or increased weight at 2 mo.