Table 1:

Description and technical definition of each of the algorithms tested

AlgorithmDescriptionICD-10 codes
1Underlying cause of death: poisoningX40–X49, X60–X69, X85–X90, Y10–Y19
Multiple cause of death: prescription opioid poisoningT402, T403, T404
2Underlying cause of death: poisoningX40–X49, X60–X69, X85–X90, Y10–Y19
Multiple cause of death: prescription opioid poisoning and/or other unspecified narcoticsT402, T403, T404, T406
3Multiple cause of death: prescription opioid poisoningT402, T403, T404
4Multiple cause of death: prescription opioid poisoning or other unspecified narcoticsT402, T403, T404, T406
5Underlying cause of death or multiple cause of death: narcotic poisoningX42, X62, Y12, T509
and notand not
Multiple cause of death: illicit opioids(T401, T405, T407–T409)
Multiple cause of death: prescription opioid poisoning or other unspecified narcoticsT402,T403,T404,T406
  • Note: ICD-10 = International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision.