Table 3:

Differences in prescribing before and during intervention in each arm (unadjusted)

VariableStudy arm; timing; measure (95% CI)
Intervention arm AIntervention arm BControl
BaselineIntervention periodBaselineIntervention periodBaselineIntervention period
No. of consultations381743309738360783
First-line antimicrobial
 % of prescriptions45.4 (40.4 to 50.4)68.2 (64.9 to 71.6)49.8 (44.2 to 55.4)66.5 (63.1 to 69.9)45.8 (40.7 to 51.0)44.1 (40.6 to 47.6)
 Absolute difference*22.8 (16.6 to 29.0)16.7 (9.9 to 23.5)−1.7 (−4.7 to 8.1)
 Difference (v. control)24.5 (21.9 to 27.1)18.4 (16.0 to 20.8)NA
 % of prescriptions26.8 (22.3 to 31.2)64.3 (60.9 to 67.8)31.1 (25.9 to 36.3)63.8 (60.4 to 67.3)35.0 (30.1 to 40.0)35.9 (32.5 to 39.3)
 Absolute difference*37.5 (31.7 to 43.3)32.7 (26.3 to 39.2)0.9 (−5.3 to 7.1)
Any antimicrobial
 % of prescriptions63.3 (58.4 to 68.1)78.6 (75.6 to 81.6)69.9 (64.8 to 75.1)75.8 (72.7 to 78.8)68.6 (63.8 to 73.4)66.5 (63.2 to 68.9)
 Absolute difference*15.3 (9.4 to 21.2)5.9 (−0.3 to 12.1)−2.1 (−3.9 to 8.1)
  • Note: CI = confidence interval.

  • * Intervention minus baseline.