Table 1:

Characteristics of respondents in the Niagara region by population, e-cigarette use, cigarette use and use of other tobacco products

CharacteristicNo. (%) of respondents
n = 3312*
Percentage of total
Answered at least 1 question in the smoking section of the survey2367 (71.5)
Male (n = 2367)1274 (53.8)
E-cigarette use
Heard of e-cigarettes (n = 2292)1599 (69.8)
How students learned about e-cigarettes (n = 1599)
 Friends485 (30.3)
 Store sign/display380 (23.8)
 Internet186 (11.6)
 Other529 (33.1)
 No answer19 (1.2)
Had used e-cigarettes (n = 2278)238 (10.4)
Quantity of e-cigarette use (n = 238)
 Once134 (56.3)5.8
 A few times79 (33.2)3
 Frequently13 (5.5)0.6
 Daily5 (2.1)0.2
 No answer7 (2.9)0.3
Cigarette use
Currently smoke (n = 2344)61 (2.6)
Had smoked cigarettes during the last 30 d (n = 2302)66 (2.9)
Frequency of smoking during the last 30 d (n = 66)
 1–2 d25 (37.9)1.0
 Some days17 (25.8)1.0
 Every day or almost every day24 (36.4)1.0
Quantity of cigarettes smoked during the last 30 d (n = 66)
 ≤ 1 per d35 (53.0)1.5
 2–5 per d14 (21.2)0.6
 > 5 per d7 (10.6)0.3
 No response10 (15.1)0.4
Type of smoker (self-defined) (n = 2205)
 Nonsmoker2128 (96.5)
 Nonsmoker who sometimes smokes32 (1.5)
 Former smoker, quit completely11 (0.5)
 Light smoker14 (0.6)
 Moderate/heavy smoker20 (0.9)
Other tobacco products
Had smoked cigarillos (n = 2297)84 (3.7)
Had used smokeless tobacco (n = 2291)33 (1.4)
Had smoked using a water pipe (n = 2288)57 (2.5)
  • Note: e-cigarette = electronic cigarette.

  • * Unless otherwise indicated.

  • Distribution of frequency of e-cigarette use among all respondents to the e-cigarette questionnaire (n = 2278).

  • Distribution of smoking frequency and quantity during the last 30 d among all respondents to the smoking section of the questionnaire (n = 2302).