Table 4:

Study outcomes

OutcomeNondelayedDelayedAbsolute differenceRelative association* (95% CI)
Unadjustedn = 12 340n = 2820
In-hospital death, no. (%)391 (3.2)138 (4.9)1.61.59 (1.30–1.93)
Length of stay, d, mean ± SD11 ± 19.113.6 ± (1.16–1.25)
Total hospital costs, $, mean ± SD19 144 ± 33 90022 479 ± 40 22433351.17 (1.13–1.21)
Propensity score match adjustedn = 2820n = 2820
In-hospital death, no. (%)90 (3.2)138 (4.9)1.71.56 (1.18–2.06)
Length of stay, d, mean ± SD12.5 ± 20.713.6 ± (1.01–1.11)
Total hospital costs, $, mean ± SD20 989 ± 35 08522 479 ± 40 22414901.06 (1.01–1.11)
  • Note: CI = confidence interval, SD = standard deviation,

  • * For death, relative association is odds ratio; for length of stay and costs, relative association is the incidence rate ratio.

  • All costs are in 2014 Canadian dollars.