Table 1:

Cost-related nonadherence to prescription drugs, total out-of-pocket payments and total pharmaceutical expenditure per capita for Canada, Quebec and 9 comparable high-income countries with universal health insurance*

JurisdictionCost-related nonadherence: % of adult population reporting they did not fill a prescription or skipped doses because of the cost in 2016Out-of-pocket costs: % of adult population reporting their household spent $1000 or more in out-of-pocket costs in 2007Total pharmaceutical expenditure per capita in 2014, Canadian dollars (purchasing power parity), $
Rest of Canada10.74.8912
 Population-weighted average for Canada10.25.7952
New Zealand5.72.4369
United Kingdom2.11.2598
 Population-weighted average for universal public systems3.6621
 Population-weighted average for social insurance systems3.8826
  • * Authors’ calculations based on the Commonwealth Fund’s 2016 International Health Policy Survey; the Commonwealth Fund’s 2007 International Health Policy Survey; Statistics Canada’s 2007 Survey of Household Spending; and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Health Data 2016 data sets. (13) (15)

  • Projected from 2013 based on growth rates in other comparator countries.

  • Projected from 2007 based on growth rates in other comparator countries.