Table 1:

Transport Canada requirements for medical kits on board aircraft with at least 100 passengers (13) as well as the contents of medical kits onboard applicable Air Canada and WestJet aircraft. Numbers indicate the quantity of each kit item

Kit itemsTransport CanadaAir CanadaWestJet
Blood pressure cuff111
Latex gloves222
CPR mask13–53
CPR mask valves23–52
Oropharyngeal airways3§4§6§
Bag valve mask111
IV administration kit1**1††1††
Sharps container111
Thermometer strips44
Umbilical cord clamps2
Tongue depressor3
Glucose test strips6
Burn dressing1
Disposable scalpel1
Disposable mask1
Urinary catheter1
Lubricating gel1
50 mL 50% dextrose inj1 A or equivalent2 vials1 vial
Epinephrine 1:10004 A or equivalent6 A2 A
Epinephrine 1:10 0002 PFS
Diphenhydramine inj2 A or equivalent3 vials2 A
Diphenhydramine tabs4 tabs
Nitroglycerin10 tabs or equivalent1 spray bottle1 spray bottle
Salbutamol1 inhaler or equivalent1 inhaler1 inhaler
ASA4 tabs6 tabs12 tabs
Atropine1 A or equivalent4 A2 A/PFS
Normal saline (500 mL)122
Diazepam2 A
Dimenhydrinate1 vial
Ondansetron4 tabs
Furosemide1 A
Haloperidol2 A
Ketorolac2 vials
Lidocaine2 PFS
Lorazepam4 tabs
Loperamide4 tabs
Methylprednisolone1 vial‡‡
Acetaminophen4 tabs
Acetaminophen pediatric bottle1 bottle
Instructions for medication use
Medical kit content list
Treatment instructions§§
  • Note: A = ampule, CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation, inj = injection, IV = intravenous, PFS = pre-filled syringe, tab = tablet.

  • * Sizes needed to deliver medications.

  • Number depends on the size of aircraft. Valves and masks are stored in the first aid kit and not in the medical kit.

  • One each of pediatric, small adult and large adult sizes.

  • § Three different sizes.

  • Must have either oropharyngeal airways or a bag valve mask.

  • ** Must include alcohol swabs, tourniquet, tape and bandage scissors.

  • †† Includes alcohol swabs, tourniquet, tape, scissors, various-sized IV catheters and tubing.

  • ‡‡ Methylprednisolone is available in a powder format that requires reconstitution with sterile water before injection.

  • §§ Treatment instructions are included for bronchospasm/asthma, tension pneumothorax, congestive heart failure/pulmonary edema, anaphylactic shock/allergic reaction, angina/myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest (adult and child), burn, emergency delivery, seizures, hypoglycemia/hyperglycemia and severe pain.