Table 2:

Characteristics of youth with an incident ED visit stratified by immigration status and prior outpatient care for mental health–related concerns (2010–2014)

n = 109 977
Non-refugee immigrants
n = 6680
Refugee immigrants
n = 2194
No previous outpatient visitPrevious outpatient visitNo previous outpatient visitPrevious outpatient visitNo previous outpatient visitPrevious outpatient visit
n (row % within non-immigrants)n (row % within non-refugee immigrants)n (row % within refugee immigrants)*
Overall56 399 (51.3)53 578 (48.7)3845 (57.6)2835 (42.4)1344 (61.3)850 (38.7)-
Age group, yr
10–134223 (47.0)4771 (53.0)141 (55.7)112 (44.3)39 (56.5)30 (43.5)0.10
14–1718 894 (51.0)18 145 (49.0)970 (60.5)632 (39.5)323 (68.4)149 (31.6)0.01
18–2122 305 (53.6)19 327 (46.4)1678 (59.1)1159 (40.9)586 (63.8)333 (36.2)0.07
22–2410 977 (49.2)11 335 (50.8)1056 (53.1)932 (46.9)396 (54.0)338 (46.0)0.06
Female28 817 (49.0)29 948 (51.0)1949 (55.6)1556 (44.4)674 (59.2)464 (40.8)0.10
Male27 582 (53.9)23 630 (46.1)1896 (59.7)1279 (40.3)670 (63.4)386 (36.6)
Income quintile
1 (low)13 576 (53.5)11 793 (46.5)1004 (58.9)702 (41.1)556 (61.1)354 (38.9)0.06
211 043 (51.0)10 604 (49.0)798 (58.3)571 (41.7)336 (63.6)192 (36.4)0.00
310 665 (51.1)10 208 (48.9)764 (58.6)540 (41.4)213 (60.7)138 (39.3)0.00
410 705 (50.1)10 661 (49.9)753 (57.0)567 (43.0)153 (60.5)100 (39.5)0.03
5 (high)10 410 (50.2)10 312 (49.8)526 (53.6)455 (46.4)86 (56.6)66 (43.4)0.03
No49 753 (50.3)49 182 (49.7)3798 (57.5)2804 (42.5)NRNR0.19
Yes6646 (60.2)4396 (39.8)47 (60.3)31 (39.7)NRNR
Usual provider of care
No5351 (94.2)329 (5.8)269 (94.4)16 (5.6)102 (98.1)NR1.15
Yes51 048 (48.9)53 249 (51.1)3576 (55.9)2819 (44.1)1242 (59.4)NR
Primary care model
GP or FP enrolment program44 539 (48.9)46 567 (51.1)3053 (55.5)2446 (44.5)1001 (58.8)NR0.28
GP or FP fee-for-service4470 (54.7)3700 (45.3)447 (60.7)289 (39.3)197 (62.3)NR0.08
Pediatrician2039 (40.6)2982 (59.4)76 (47.5)84 (52.5)44 (61.1)NR0.23
No UPC5351 (94.2)329 (5.8)269 (94.4)16 (5.6)102 (98.1)NR1.15
Mental health diagnosis at ED visit
Acute stress7632 (47.5)8447 (52.5)429 (52.6)387 (47.4)151 (62.1)92 (37.9)0.09
Anxiety11 298 (50.4)11 125 (49.6)699 (53.1)617 (46.9)286 (57.3)213 (42.7)0.03
Mood or affective disorder7731 (38.0)12 628 (62.0)388 (37.8)638 (62.2)100 (38.8)158 (61.2)0.34
Residual self-harm5399 (50.8)5221 (49.2)459 (62.0)281 (38.0)208 (69.8)90 (30.2)0.00
Psychotic disorders1268 (40.7)1847 (59.3)181 (43.7)233 (56.3)62 (43.1)82 (56.9)0.22
Substance-related disorders19 358 (66.8)9608 (33.2)1526 (75.5)496 (24.5)485 (74.5)166 (25.5)0.44
Other3713 (44.1)4702 (55.9)163 (47.1)183 (52.9)52 (51.5)49 (48.5)0.16
Admitted to hospital
No50 527 (53.3)44 286 (46.7)3338 (60.3)2196 (39.7)1161 (62.8)688 (37.2)0.30
Yes5872 (38.7)9292 (61.3)507 (44.2)639 (55.8)183 (53.0)162 (47.0)
Service time ED visit
Daytime13 778 (45.3)16 630 (54.7)726 (47.4)805 (52.6)256 (53.6)222 (46.4)0.25
Evening and after hours19 547 (48.0)21 165 (52.0)1271 (53.3)1115 (46.7)481 (62.6)287 (37.4)0.09
Night23 074 (59.4)15 783 (40.6)1848 (66.9)915 (33.1)607 (64.0)341 (36.0)0.27
Time since immigration, yr
Recent (0 to ≤ 5)558 (64.1)313 (35.9)222 (64.9)120 (35.1)0.14
Intermediate (> 5 to ≤ 10)1167 (59.1)806 (40.9)461 (64.5)254 (35.5)0.06
Long-term (> 10)2120 (55.3)1716 (44.9)661 (58.1)476 (41.9)0.12
Region of origin
Africa266 (61.1)169 (38.9)274 (65.4)145 (34.6)0.11
Central America457 (60.8)295 (39.2)84 (64.6)46 (35.4)0.06
East Asia and Pacific748 (61.7)464 (38.3)55 (62.5)33 (37.5)0.08
Eastern Europe/Central Asia500 (52.7)449 (47.3)158 (57.2)118 (42.8)0.11
Middle East434 (54.7)359 (45.3)177 (57.8)129 (42.2)0.07
South America249 (57.4)185 (42.6)119 (62.0)73 (38.0)0.01
South Asia710 (60.9)456 (39.1)376 (61.9)231 (38.1)0.07
US/UK/Western Europe480 (51.2)457 (48.8)101 (57.7)74 (42.3)0.14
  • Note: ED = emergency department, FP = family practitioner, GP = general practitioner, NR = not reported, SD = standardized difference, UPC = usual provider of care.

  • * Some rates for subgroups not reported (NR) owing to small cell sizes. Institutional policy requires suppression of cell sizes < 6.

  • Standardized differences for categorical variables compare percentage of “no prior outpatient visits” between given level of the covariate versus all other levels of the covariate.