Table 2:

Changes attributable to health events in the third year after versus the year before hospital admission for the health event

ModelNo. of participantsPre- to postevent absolute change attributable to the health event
Percent employed, estimate (95% CI)Annual earnings, estimate (95% CI); $2012
Acute MI
Baseline model1 839 773−5.0 (−5.5 to −4.5)−3834 (−4323 to −3346)
Subsets: working in Y+31 692 408−2525 (−3025 to −2024)
Index hospital LOS ≥ 3 d1 677 713−5.5 (−6.1 to −4.9)−4136 (−4676 to −3597)
Age ≤ 55 yr1 372 022−4.4 (−4.9 to −3.8)−3584 (−4182 to −2985)
Cardiac arrest
Baseline model308 418−12.9 (−15.3 to −10.4)−11 143 (−13 324 to −8962)
Subsets: working in Y+3285 994−8220 (−10 710 to −5729)
Index hospital LOS ≥ 3 d288 566−13.2 (−15.7 to −10.6)−11 348 (−13 661 to −9035)
Age ≤ 55 yr233 933−12.6 (−15.4 to −9.7)−13 203 (−16 089 to −10 318)
Baseline model892 876−19.8 (−21.2 to −18.5)−13 278 (−14 255 to −12 301)
Subsets: working in Y+3817 741−9430 (−10 610 to −8249)
Index hospital LOS ≥ 3 d784 202−22.1 (−23.5 to −20.6)−14 462 (−15 519 to −13 404)
Age ≤ 55 yr648 242−18.8 (−20.8 to −17.2)−14 015 (−15 279 to −12 752)
  • Note: CI = confidence interval, LOS = length of stay, MI = myocardial infarction, Y0 = calendar year of index health event, Y+3 = third calendar year after Y0. p < 0.001 for all 21 comparisons.